Terms like: Coupon Discount How to Buy Now Sale Best Place to Buy On Sale Purchase Promo Order Product Search Keywords Users will use product search keywords when they are trying to narrow down specific products or versions of a product to make a final purchase decision. These terms are often looking for crucial details about a product or service and are some of the most common search terms. These buyer keywords indicate a high intent of purchase, but still haven’t specifically called out your brand. The words used in these types of keywords include: Alternatives Reviews Best Price Comparison Vs.
Options Low Purchase Intent Keywords While it’s important to identify which keywords are indicating a high intent to purchase, you also should know which keywords are the opposite and indicate a low intent to purchase. When you know which keywords aren’t being used by Canada WhatsApp Number Data those who want to make a purchase decision, you can make sure you don’t use them in your copy to avoid getting traffic on those searches. The most common low intent keyword is “free” and any other iteration of that, but it’s also important to remember that this could be useful if you do offer a free version of your solution.
Just be sure to think about the value of low purchase intent keywords before adding them to your pages. Content Marketing Across Regions — the balance between global vs. local How to Identify Buyer Keywords Now that you know the different types of buyer keywords that a search term could fall under, let’s learn more about how you can identify which keywords you pull in your keyword research are buyer keywords and which are not. This will help you understand your keyword data better and quickly pull out the keywords which are buyer keywords.