Here are the different places to find Josélito TiradosVIADEO OR LINKEDIN CHOOSING IS NOT SO! OBVIOUS JANUARY , 0COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT , LEAD GENERATION , SOCIAL NETWORKS BE THE ST TO COMMENT Viadeo or LinkedIn? Which professional social network should you choose for your career or commercial prospecting? Obviously, the choice is simple. Well at first glance Viadeo vs LinkedIn, does the debate still exist? Between Viadeo or Linkedin, I decided not to choose. I have an account on both social networks. But I have to be honest with you .
I havent logged into my Viadeo account for a good years now and like many, Im not even sure Albania WhatsApp Number I can find my password to log in But what is it really? Viadeo or LinkedIn? Is there a debate or not? If you are familiar with professional social networks, and use them both for your , you know that there is no debate. Viadeo was the leading professional social network in France for many years but has been swept aside by LinkedIn since at least 0. If you are still wondering about Viadeo or LinkedIn, it is because you have heard of the first for a simple.
Reason it is the professional social network made in France and therefore it retains minimal notoriety. What not to do on Viadeo and Linkedin Viadeo or Linkedin the debate still exists? Viadeo vs LinkedIn the battle of numbers Lets talk big money first. Who was bought back the most? Viadeo or LinkedIn? Viadeo was bought in 0 for the paltry sum of . million euros. A ridiculous sum for a social network when we know that Facebook bought Whatsapp for billion dollars .