In reality, web marketing specialists have known very well for some time that user experience is essential to achieving solid and long-lasting results online.The novelty therefore simply consists in the clarification of this trend by big G, which places UX among the future ranking factors . According to the latest news, it seems that the new algorithm for Core Web Vitals, which will formalize their entry among the ranking factors, will be launched in May 2021.What are web vitals and how do they impact the measurement of the User Experience of websites.
Web vitals, or "web signals", are parameters identified by Google to measure Special Data the quality of user experience on websites.Among these, Google focuses on 3 criteria in particular, the Core Web Vitals , which measure loading speed, interactivity and visual stability respectively Largest Contentful Paint, which measures the loading speed of the largest element in the window First Input Delay, which measures the time between the first user interaction and the moment the browser respondsCLS: Cumulative Layout Shift, which measures the visual stability of the layoutTweet John Muller Core Web VitalsWeb vitals, as can be read in the section dedicated to them on are a Google initiative to provide developers and SEO specialists with a "unified guide" on some signals to take into consideration for evaluate the UX on websites.Web Vitals Google initiativeThere is a very important clarification that Google makes immediately: Core Web Vitals are only a part of all signals, and these will evolve over time. We can in fact refer to the 3 aforementioned signals as the Core Web Vitals of 2020, therefore expecting others in the coming years.Web Vitals as a ranking factor.

The Web Vitals project, as already mentioned, was created to provide some valid metrics for evaluating the user experience on websites in anticipation of an imminent update (which will be launched in May 2021) which will give these signals greater weight than what they have now. We read it explicitly on Google's Webmasters blog, in the article dedicated precisely to the evaluation of UX where, among other things, it specifies that there is no need to be alarmed now because the update will not be launched before next year and advance notice will be provided at least 6 months before it is implemented.