This creates strong new competition for companies from Europe and the US. Europe in particular should be concerned because it has firms and capacities in older production processes, among other things due to car companies and industry. China is strengthening in legacy chips also because of American sanctions. Again, it is appropriate to ask whether the sanctions are working and whether the chip war will not turn against the West.
The fact that China could dominate this field is realistic given the historical development of its technology Chinese American Phone Number List sector.And here's another news that may support this thesis China should reportedly come up with its own lithography machine for the production of nm chips this year . against something like this several times - if we ban China from importing.
Western machines, over time it will develop its own, we will lose the market (and we will weaken our own companies capital) and at the same time we will have competition with low prices and great support from our own government.Bloomberg adds that China is building more chip factories than other countries . And this despite the sanctions.American semiconductor companies do not want sanctions against China. They are currently lobbying the White House against their tightening and are taking a number of other steps.