The site accepts applicants from the following countries only: Australia, Canada, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, Northern Ireland, United States (excluding California). Prices range between $0.3 and $1.10 per minute, and payment is made via PayPal on a weekly basis. 5.Castingwords This site is considered one of the best options for working in the field of audio transcription, especially for beginners.
It is distinguished by providing equal opportunities for everyone, unlike other Telegram Number Data companies that care more about experienced employees than others. The steps to register on the Castingwords website are as follows: Register on this page and fill out their application form: Register on the Castingwords website Now, if you are taken to a test page after submitting your application, it means that you need to pass the test first before you are accepted. It would be a good idea to review their instructions first before taking the test. If you are accepted (which may happen immediately), you will receive a welcome email from them. From here you can start looking for work immediately. However, I recommend familiarizing yourself with all their guidelines and rules first.

Remember, you want to get high grades to open up well-paying jobs as soon as possible. And then after it reaches a certain total of grades, you are promoted to receive a higher wage. You can earn about $0.50 for every audio minute you transcribe, and payment is made exclusively through PayPal, so make sure you have an activated PayPal account. As I noticed, most transcription sites operate in the English language, so in order to be able to make a profit from this field, I advise you to learn the English language and improve your language skills. This article will benefit you: Your comprehensive guide to learning English (everything you need in one place) TOOLS YOU WILL NEED FOR TRANSCRIPTION 1. Foot pedal: This tool will help you improve your working speed, because it allows you to control the pausing of video and audio files using your foot.