I m not irreplaceable. I m not a journalist. I don t break news. I don t travel to war torn countries for my stories. Would it even matter to anyone if I stopped writing tomorrow? Thinking about all this, I kept losing focus and motivation to write. Then I understood something; that it doesn t matter. Journalism may not be for me. I may not be good enough to write novels. But in all this doubt and uncertainty and self pity, which is really nothing but my ego, I had forgotten to be grateful for what I have. And it s not just my readers respect, trust, or validation of my work, but it s more than that. It s the fact— that I can do something I like and make a living doing it that.
I ignore when I worry about creating meaningful content that will one day save the world. I don t have photo editing servies to save the world with my writing. And neither do you. If you are a war reporter, or if you expose corrupt politicians, good on you But if you re not that, that s OK too. There are ways to do good in the world, a method that suits you. But if your expertise lies in writing content and not the next Pulitzer winning work, there s nothing to be ashamed of. And if you can t count on my words alone, here s what.
Ray Bradbury said on the topic You re being political, or you re being socially aware. You re writing things that will benefit the world. To hell with that I don t write things to benefit the world. If it happens that they do, swell. I didn t set out to do that. I set out to have a hell of a lot of fun. Now that s what I m talking about Feel free to listen to the entire talk; it s quite enthralling. . You fear a nonexistent box I get this concern often from readers and students I don t want to box myself in.