Therefore, make sure to enrich your website operator information and profile to give users a sense of security. YMYL YNYL stands for Your Money Your Life, and refers to a genre that has a great impact on people's money, health, and lives. Google is focusing on improving the quality of the YMYL genre, so they are working on updating the algorithm and adding items to the quality evaluation guidelines. The YMYL genre has a big impact on people's lives, so if you send out incorrect information, there is a high possibility that users will suffer damage. Google always pursues the interests of its users, so it has stricter evaluation standards in areas that have a large impact on profits, such as money and health, than in other areas.
Various updates have been made so far, and the cell phone numbers list evaluation criteria have gradually become stricter, but as long as you are disseminating information that is useful to users, there is no problem. However, disseminating incorrect information in the YMYL genre is not allowed, so please be sure to check that the information you are referring to when creating content is correct. If YMYL also satisfies EAT, it may be ranked high without any problem, so it is a good idea to keep EAT in mind when creating content. YMYL has stricter evaluation standards than other genres, but there is no need to worry about that, just make sure to send out accurate information that is useful to users.

starter guide Google has released an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) starter guide for beginners, so you can use it as a reference to take basic SEO measures. However, beginners may find the official guide to be a little difficult to explain, so in that case, you may want to refer to the Starter Guide, which is available in PDF format. Since this is an official guide published by Google, there will be no negative consequences if you take the measures described. From SEO measures and content marketing to web production and web marketing. Please feel free to contact us. Please contact us for a free consultation or inquiry . Benefits of implementing SEO measures There are advantages and disadvantages that can be obtained by implementing SEO measures, so I will first explain the advantages.