Thats why you might find a great app thats attractively designed and eyecatching but it gets very bad reviews in app stores because maybe the user interface is good but the user experience is bad. If you go to any online store to buy a specific product and find that the site design is beautiful the choice of colors is appropriate and all the information you need is there. But after choosing the product you were surprised that the purchasing process was long and complicated.
Are you going to buy This is the fundamental difference between user interface design and user experience design. Lets take another example... Have you ever worked with Windows XP or any older version of Windows If I asked you today what is the difBelgium WhatsApp Number Dataference between that version and the latest version of Windows .. what would you say Maybe you would say that The shape of the icons has become better. Colors have become more accurate and beautiful. Arranging files has become more efficient. Similar commands have been collected and arranged in one place which is Windows Settings.
File transfer process is faster. Most of the core programs were developed for Windows. the Windows user interface but it has also improved the entire user experience. Look at the following infographic from the famous careerfoundry website which simply explains the difference between UI and UX design difference between ux and ui We can summarize all of the above in the following points The user experience design phase depends on data analysis and testing...