Have a pleasant and carefree summer!Pimples on the Face: How to Treat Them 06/06/2023 Facebook Twitter The ideal care routine for the discoloration of hair Our skin during our life is asked to face many different challenges, one of them is freckles or discolorations, which, if we give them the necessary attention and care they need, there is no reason to scare us, just they can be a cute feature of our face that can be our trademark, always with the safety of our skin in mind. It is very important to first understand what panades are, what causes them and how to treat them.
These are dark spots that form on the surface of the skin and come from the disruption of the natural skin coloring process, resulting in an increased and uncontrolled production of melanin, in the form of freckles. They appear more often in women than in men, and the factors to Brazil Phone Number Data which they are due are many, both internal and external. Why do panades appear? . However, since in most cases the pimples appear on the face, décolleté and hands, that is, in the places that are constantly exposed to solar radiation throughout the year, one can now say with certainty that one of the most important factors is exposure to the sun.

In addition to solar radiation, overexposure to artificial UV radiation definitely aggravates the condition. Other causes of the appearance of freckles are due to internal factors and can be either hereditary predisposition, or hormonal disorders (e.g. pregnancy, menopause, some kind of medication), or the normal aging process, which is why it is no coincidence that with over time the outbreaks intensify and may spread. Finally, as in all cases, our daily habits significantly affect the appearance of the skin, such as poor diet, alcohol, smoking, insufficient water intake and not carefully caring for our skin with the right products.