Large enterprises, including those with state participation, have been actively creating their own divisions or subsidiaries for digital development in recent years. In addition to servicing the IT infrastructure, they have begun to actively develop their own software. For example, in August, Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC (part of Rosatom) presented a digital environmental monitoring module. Earlier, in June, Transneft Technologies presented the industrial automation platform Evoskada (Evolution - SCADA). As reported content writing service by the press service, Dmitry Kryazhevskikh, Deputy General Director for Production and Technological Systems of the company, noted that the team is developing a universal platform for managing technological and production processes.
Judging by the developers' statements, the product was created not for a narrow niche need, but as a "foundation for an ecosystem." In addition, the platform has great potential for development and can be used not only in the fuel and energy sector, but also in other sectors of the economy, predicted Dmitry Dvornikov, CEO of Transneft Technologies.

There are several SCADA systems on the Russian software solutions market today. But as Dmitry Kryazhevskikh claims, the data processing speeds at which their platform operates are not available to any domestic or, quite possibly, foreign company.
Experts in a conversation with RSpectr noted that the domestic market is saturated with competitive developments in the field of computer-aided design (CAD), artificial intelligence (AI), and information security (IS). There are many domestic BPM and CRM systems on the market, said Alexander Ivlev, CEO of Ember. "The Russian software registry already includes more than 17,000 products, which is a very good indicator. We can already replace even once fundamental products like VMware or Hyper-V (virtualization systems. - Ed.)," noted Stanislav Mril, CEO of vStack.
The development of their own software is connected with the lack of full information among state corporations about the solutions available on the Russian market and their functionality, says Rustam Rustamov, Deputy General Director of RED SOFT. He added to this factor the remaining "skepticism about Russian IT products."
Rustam Rustamov, RED SOFT:
– In-house development has significant risks: the lack of necessary competencies in most cases leads to questionable results; the revision of these questionable results requires not only an extension of the deadlines, but also the involvement of new resources.
However, IT contractors who help create insourced software say that even high-quality ready-made solutions from vendors may not meet the specific requirements and business objectives of the company.
"In addition, internal development may be cheaper. Plus, it provides full control over data and business processes. This is especially relevant for state corporations, where confidentiality and security play a key role," explained Umbrella IT Business Development Director Alexey Feofanov.