Go up or go down?
To overcome this situation of uncertainty, the user makes more or less considered choices.
The decision to purchase a product is made only after the user has gathered information, analyzed the various options and evaluated each of them individually in order to obtain the greatest benefit from the transaction.
The analysis phase is then followed by an evaluation phase, whichuk cell number can bring the process back to the starting point, thus making it necessary to collect further information.
However, the purchasing journey is influenced by many variables, including cognitive biases.
Google identifies 7 of them , which influence the preferences and decisions of the end user.
Category heuristics: Purchasing decisions are simplified if short key product descriptions are provided.
Authority bias: the user is more incentivized to purchase a product after hearing a positive opinion from an expert or a person he considers authoritative.
Social proof: if other people have also made the choice, the user is more likely to purchase, so as not to be excluded from the “group”.
Power of immediacy : the customer doesn't want to wait to get their products, they want them now.
Scarcity bias: Limited editions or products with limited availability are more likely to sell. Advertisements that mention “few places available” exploit this bias!
Power of free: Making the consumer believe that he is being given a product or service when he makes a purchase increases his desire to buy. This is because the perceived value of the offer is greater than those who sell without correlating anything.
Emotional component: especially strong in the design sector, where the emotions experienced by the user for a product influence their purchase.
Discover how consumers in Italy complete their purchasing process with Google search on the messy middle.